bohemian living

Art Of Living

Combining a covetable collection of contemporary art with a relaxed, bohemian aesthetic and an enviable location, this beachside apartment is the best of all worlds.

This apartment in the heart of Cape Town’s exclusive suburb of Bantry Bay combines its enviable beachside location with layered, Gypset-style interiors and a stupendous collection of contemporary art. Situated in an Edwardian period piece that is one of the area’s most charming buildings, it sports glorious views of the iconic bay below, too. Nevertheless, it’s the art that makes this home utterly unique – and a true reflection of its owner.

Even before you step through the front door – painted in bold, glossy black – its elegant frame doubles up as a container for some of the host of art inside. A work by Tom Cullberg is visible above multiple pieces by Michael Taylor and John Murray, reflected back in the multi-paned Argentinian mirror directly opposite the entryway. 

bohemian living
bohemian living

Once inside, contemporary artworks are simply everywhere in the open-plan main living space, with eye-catching pieces by Athi-Patra Ruga, Sthenjwa Luthuli and Stephan Allwright vying for attention. 

In quick succession, you’ll take in sculptures by Cameron Platter; ceramic works by Ben Orkin; a tapestry by rising South African art star Igshaan Adams; oils on board by Nabeeha Mohamed; and a bold abstract painting by Maja Marx. In short, a vibrant and multifarious display that makes for endless visual interest and must spark many a stimulating conversation.

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bohemian living
bohemian living

The main bedroom combines clean lines with subtle texture, colour and pattern – and beautiful views.

The  two bedrooms exude an easygoing, bohemian style, while also evincing total dedication to the comfort of their occupants. Both spaces feature walls clad in warmer, darker tones than the living room; luxe textures and textiles; and yet more carefully chosen art.

Holiday homes at the beach tend to come in two main categories – think nautical and fresh, or all about natural textures – but this apartment is in a realm of its own. While it absolutely embraces its beachside location and ocean views, there is also something even more special on display here: its owner’s ongoing fascination with, and expression of herself through, collecting contemporary art.

bohemian living

Words Robyn Alexander
Photographs  Greg Cox