with the International Art Centre

During the 2020 nationwide lockdowns we stayed connected to our clients, keeping them close to our art.

The time was spent productively, resulting in the development of our own online bidding platform and app, successfully auctioning works of art with no exhibition viewing, no printed catalogue, while using state-of-the-art technology. All transactions were contactless and we reduced our carbon footprint along the way. While the personal service, excitement and atmosphere of our famous live Parnell Road auctions remain and will continue to grow, the success of this online only platform has encouraged us to retain this as a permanent sale category as ART at HOME. The best thing about these online auctions is you get to view the works in our Parnell Road premises prior to bidding, and if you can’t our dedicated team will send you condition reports or as many images as required – and we can deliver via Uber to the wider Auckland region or Pack and Send anywhere else in the country or the world. All this while bidding form home, the boat or the bach!

Head to this link to start bidding –