Pearl Wellness

Angela Byelich

Pearl Wellness

You specialise in burnout, can you explain what this is, how we recover, and how it can be prevented? 

The Mental Health Foundation defines burnout as exhaustion (emotional and physical), cynicism, and a reduced sense of accomplishment. I see burnout as the deep fatigue that comes from carrying too much, for too long. Burnout comes with a range of physical symptoms and disease may be developing. By the time a client reaches out to me they may have been trying to improve their wellbeing for many years. Left untreated, burnout can cause anxiety and depression which can affect the ability to function day-to-day, and relationships may be suffering.

Recovery involves peeling the layers back and taking a holistic view to then prioritise what’s truly needed. We use what we know about behaviour change to support recovery to make it easy and even enjoyable! I can’t tell you what’s right for you, but I can help you find your way.

Preventing burnout is a lot to do with picking up on the signs early. What’s my body trying to tell me? Am I getting irritable? How’s my sleep? Am I avoiding problems? 

Am I using substances to numb? How do I nurture myself?

Do I enjoy my life?


Getting to the root cause of symptoms like fatigue, stress and anxiety has the potential to be quite confronting. How do you support clients as you journey through this together? 

Not everybody is ready to address the root cause of their symptoms, and that’s okay. I’m upfront from the start and talk about the ‘stages of change’ so the client can understand where they’re at. This empowers the client. ‘Failure’ and relapse is a normal part of change, so we manage this openly.

Coaching does involve challenging the client at times and I use my intuition to guide me through this. Staying focussed on what’s most important to them, asking the right questions, keeping it light when needed, are ways I keep the partnership supportive.


Navigating chronic illness can be an exhausting and overwhelming process. What would you say to those who feel like it’s too much extra work to put aside time for support and help? 

I would say book a free introductory session with me and experience how health coaching can help you! My role is to manage the process and lighten the load, while the client directs where the healing journey needs to go. It’s always my aim that the client experiences a sense of ease, not extra work! I regularly get coached myself and this has been my experience.


What has been the most rewarding part of your role as a health coach? 

When clients get their spark back. The psychology behind behaviour change is what makes health coaching so effective for the client and rewarding for the coach – I’m blown away at how this works! Seeing clients improve their health and enjoying their lives again is so rewarding and I’m so humbled to be able to support them.


Angela can reached at info@pearlwellness.co.nz and pearlwellness.co.nz